Strategy Bites Back: It Is A Lot More, And Less, Than You Ever ImaginedStrategy Bites Back: It Is A Lot More, And Less, Than You Ever Imagined by Henry Mintzberg

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this as pre-reading before studying Strategy with the Open University. It was very clear and easy to read, explained things ownderfully, made me laugh in places, and was genuinely useful in getting my head round what strategy actually is. The book is a series of short articles, put into language most people can read rather than the drier academic style or cringeworthy business speak that these sort of books are often written in. This is a plain english text that works.

I’d certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to understand strategy, read this before trying anything else (and as a second reading I would go for Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters).

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