After seeing some posts about National Novel Writing Month (AKA NaNoWriMo) I decided that I may as well give it a go and see if I can just sit and write stuff for the month. I don’t realistically expect to hit the target 50,000 words, but thought I’d see how it went. There are times when I can write prolifically, although those are few and far between these days, what with family life, work and all the other things. However if you don’t try you can never achieve…
So if you want to see how I’m getting along look here
UPDATE: It’s taking shape, there are a dozen characters, a mad US President and the threat of nukes as well as space ships, genetically modified people and a moon base…

PS if anyone can do me a black cover with a Full Moon on it with a couple of satelites very small in orbit of it and a base with a landing strip in the middle that would be fab!
Got to 20k, which is about 2/3 of where it ought to be by now, but in my defence I started five days late, so I’m catching up and I’m sure I’m going to finish this story off, whether or not it is 50k by the end of the month.
Half way through now, just broke the 25k word barrier. Need some more time for typing, although this week I’ve been taking the netbook and doing some on the train on the way in and on the way out. Usually good for about 1,200 to 1,500 words. A bit more in the lunch break and also in the evening helps, although not all days have the time for that.