Themself moving host
Themself is now on a Linode. I’ve been having some problems with Themself maxing out on disk space of late. Usually I’ve been fixing it temporarily by deleting emails and making local archives of older emails I want to keep. So the long term solution was to move to a bigger hosting plan.
If you’ve not heard of Linode I’m not surprised. I hadn’t until I’d gone looking for a cloud based server. Originally I’d planned to use an AWS instance because they have a free tier. However fun it might have been to hone my cloud devops skills I just didn’t have the time for it. AWS needed me to apply my whole range of technical architect skills to design the service. Frankly running a WordPress blog and a postfix mail server doesn’t need that level of complexity.
Enter Linode. You get a cloud based virtual server for $10 US dollars a month. You can tier it up when you need to. The basic level has a server with 1Gb RAM, 50Gb disk space and more bandwidth than I’ve been using. Scaling up comes in multiples. You can run any linux distribution you like, with several flavours available in a drop down. Naturally I chose Ubuntu given that I’ve almost a decade of experience using it.
I’ve been slowly migrating various domains onto the new server. Themself is in transition. The web server, and WordPress, is copied to the new server. The mail will follow soon.
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