2018 Resolutions

I have been posting my new year resolutions in the blog for the past four years, so I’m going to continue this with my 2018 resolutions. But before my 2018 resolutions I think we should look at how well I’ve done on the 2017 resolutions.
2017 Resolutions
I had a few 2017 resolutions. However I must have been feeling overly optimistic in January 2017! Here they are:
- Finish my Open University degree (in June if I pass both courses)
- Design a megagame (1689, in the latter half of the year)
- Write 50 blog posts, edit Perfects and Noren, write another novel (probably NaNoWriMo 2017) and a history book
- Get my weight into the 12 – 12.5 stone range and keep it there.
Finish my Degree
I did this, it was a lot of hard work, and I wouldn’t have made it without the support of my wife and children. However I completed both B204 and T317 in June 2017. I was effectively a full time student and working full-time for the first half of 2017.
We all got a day out in Brighton to celebrate my graduation in September. I came away with an upper second class honours degree and a new set of post-nominals.
Allegedly I should have had a bunch of time to do other things after this, but I’ve no idea what has happened.
Design the 1689 Megagame
I haven’t done this. I have read some of the background material, and collected even more. I have also run a couple of sessions at CLWG to test some ideas for 1689. Notably I designed a battle system for it, although it was too unwieldy for a megagame. It would be OK as a campaign system (google doc).
I haven’t achieved this either. This one was wildly optimistic, so I’m not unhappy with what I’ve achieved. I’ve written
- Sixty nine unique blog posts
- fifty-one posts on Themself (one unpublished),
- eleven blog posts on Hot Blood & Cold Steel
- four for Milmud
- two for British Civil Wars
- one on John Fox
- two short stories, both for the NYC Flash Fiction Challenge
- 50k towards a new novel
- done some of the editing on Perfects.
I lost track of this and put on a few pounds. Still nowhere near the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’m paying attention to my diet again and have started to lose the extra I put on.
2018 Resolutions
I have a few 2018 resolutions, they’re all a little lower key than the 2017 ones.
- Read 40 books over the course of the year (I managed 27 in 2017, but have read more in previous years)
- Design a megagame (finishing what I started)
- Write 50 blog posts, edit Perfects and publish it
- Get my weight under 13 stone and keep it there.
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