Our house is home to more than one naughty elf. Every December for the last few years there has been Elf Mischief. Here are some of the things they have got up to so far this December.

Elf Mischief

On the first night, leading to the morning of 1 December, the elves sneaked in and put the advent calendars in black bin bags to hide them from the children. I didn’t get any photos of it though.

Elf Sweety Fest

The elves spent the night of 1-2 December bingeing on sweeties. I wasn’t quite quick enough to get the pile of sweetie wrappers, but you can still see the evidence of sherbet!

As elf mischief goes this is pretty minor, but you don’t want to go too strong on the first few nights of December.

Pants on the Tree

Elf Mischief – pants on the tree! (photo: James Kemp)

This is an old favourite. Timmy and Alfie love to put pants on the Christmas tree. It’s a bit different every year. This year there was a trail from Lucy’s bedroom all the way to the top of the tree. The elves were up next to the fairy at the top.

Elf Flour Angel

I didn’t get a picture of this one. The elves put flour on a tray and then made a snow angel in the flour. It got them pretty messed up, so they had to go for a spin in the washing machine shortly afterwards.

Elf Zip Wire

Elf Mischief – zip wire (photo: James Kemp)
Timmy the elf on the zip wire (photo: James Kemp)

The elves put a zip wire up from the top of the tree.

Elf Art

Armed with a dry wipe marker Alfie and Timmy improved several pictures of Alex and Lucy. Glasses, beards, moustaches and beauty spots were added to the photos.

More in Elf Mischief part 2 which covers what they naughty elf got up to in the second week of December.