Elf Mischief 2018 part 3
Here’s the third part of what the Elves have been up to in the third week of December 2018. See Elf Mischief Part 1 & Part 2. Last installment to follow on Boxing Day!
Elf Mischief
Lego Wrapping
The elves wrapped up the contents of the Lego advent calendars and closed all the doors. They hid with the ‘presents’ on the dining room chairs so that there was a chance that they’d be found quite quickly.
Checking the Chimney
Timmy the elf wanted to make sure that the chimney was ready for Santa. So aided by Alfie and Barbie’s dog he’s climbed up the bookshelf and is making his way into the loft for an inspection….
Christmas Tree Coup
The elves have had their eye on the spot at the top of the tree since it went up. The Fairy has been keeping an eye on them. However tonight they got their chance and the Fairy is cast down and replaced by Timmy and Alfie.
Elf Post
With a week to go the Elf Post Box has appeared. Each elf had a report card to send to Santa about the behaviour of Alex and Lucy. Here they are sitting on the dining table contemplating a good or bad report.
Elf Dressing Up
Having decided to opt for a good report, and school having finished for Lucy, the elves brought a Christmas outfit for Lucy’s doll Mia. However the nature of a naughty elf doesn’t let them just be too nice. So the elves dressed up in the new outfit.
Elf Cinema
My wife got a new phone when her contract got to the end the other day. So Lucy has inherited the old one (without a SIM). So she spent most of the day watching LOL unboxing videos on YouTube. This gave our resident naughty elf some ideas…
BTW the YouTube video they’ve got queued up is ‘No Christmas Presents for Her’
More soon
That’s the end of week 3. More on Boxing Day.
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