Extinction Rebellion have been protesting in central London around Westminster. The protest started on Monday and is planned to last two weeks. There’s a good overview of it on their website, along with a fab map. The objective is to get the UK government to acknowledge the climate change emergency and to bring forward the net zero carbon target to 2025.
Extinction Rebellion in London
As regular readers are likely to know my day job is in Westminster. So I’ve been walking past the protesters, and stopping to have a look and take pictures. It’s a pretty good natured protest, feeling more like a festival than anything else. There’s music and dancing and people talking about the climate emergency. The streets are even full of tents and flags!
As well as protesters there are also loads of police, and they too are approachable and friendly. I’ve had a couple of conversations with them as I’ve navigated around the blocked roads etc. For a non-driver the disruption is minimal, most of the walking and cycle routes are unaffected. Some buses are either on detour or cancelled. If you drive then it’s a nightmare. Lots of key junctions are populated by Extinction Rebellion people, as you can see in some of the photos below.
An effective protest?
How it’s changing minds I’d not like to guess. There’s certainly a vocal segment giving it a load of whataboutery and faking their outrage and sense of being offended. Personally I have a fair amount of sympathy with their goal, I’m just not sure they’re effective in changing other peoples minds. But what else do they have as an option?
Extinction Rebellion in Pictures
Tuesday Evening
‘Rebel for Life’ banners across Great Peter Street on the junction with Smith Street and Marsham Street, near the Home Office building, around 19:00 Tuesday 8th October 2019 (Photo: James Kemp)An Extinction Rebellion People’s Assembly in progress outside the Home Office building in Marsham Street. Around 19:00 on Tuesday 8th October 2019 (photo: James Kemp)
Tuesday Morning
Tents in Marsham Street, outside the Home Office building. Tuesday morning around 0730 (8th October 2019). (Photo: James Kemp)The junction of Smith Street, Marsham Street and Great Peter Street taken from the corner of Marsham Street next to the Home Office building. Extinction Rebellion tents are set up on the roadway. Taken around 0730 Tuesday 8th October 2019. (Photo: James Kemp)
Monday evening
Extinction Rebellion settling in for the night. Streetlight reflected off the rainy pavement with tents set up along Marsham Street. Entertainment in front of the main entrance to the Home Office building. Taken around 1930 on Monday 7th October 2019. (photo: James Kemp)Extinction Rebellion Farmers outside Defra HQ asking for government action against the climate and ecological emergency. Monday evening around 1930, 7th Oct 2019. (Photo: James Kemp)
Monday Lunchtime
Extinction Rebellion blocking the road into Parliament Square at the top of Victoria Street around noon on Monday 7th October 2019. (Photo: James Kemp)Extinction Rebellion protest on Marsham Street, as seen from Smith Street. The Home Office building is on the left. Taken around 13:30 on Monday 7th October 2019. (Photo: James Kemp)Just behind Extinction Rebellion’s #BeyondPolitics barrier on the junction of Smith Street and Marsham Street. Lots of people milling about, foot and cycle traffic is unaffected. Around 1330 Monday 7th October 2019. (Photo: James Kemp)Extinction Rebellion Aged Agitators walking away from Westminster Abbey on Monday 7th about 1200 (photo: James Kemp)Extinction Rebellion drummers on Millbank, Monday 7th around 1100 (photo: James Kemp)
I studied creative writing with the open university because I enjoy writing. I try to review most of the books I read, although I don't always. I write stories and poetry. See the books page for more about this.
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