Fierce Released TODAY!
Fierce, my heroic fantasy novel with a relatable female lead, is finally out and you should be able to buy it in paperback or digital versions by following this link Fierce is on a special introductory price of £0.99 on kindle until 5th June. After that it will go to £3.99. The paperback is £9.99. You can read the first chapter of Fierce elsewhere on this blog.

So far Fierce doesn’t have any published reviews, but I’ve had some feedback from ARC readers that they thought Fierce had a relatable female main character, and that they wanted more of it. NB if you’re a reviewer it’s not to late to get an ARC, the booksprout link will work for another month or so.
From onlinebookclub April 3, 2024, 6:29 pm - The reviewer wrote: The end was somewhat of a cliffhanger since Rojden was still capable of causing havoc. Yngvild willingly sacrificed Noren for Malfin was shocking. It was not completely clear if the King's ship was returning Yngvild and Noren to Straven and I hope to see a sequel. It was apparent that Yngvild loves Noren, but her feelings for Snorri and Jerre could leave her questioning if her love for Noren was real or if he was the only one close to her age in Straven. I was curious how Arald made it to Rojden when he was supposed to be deceased and held in Kronstadt by Lady Helgo Trollslayer.
Back Cover Blurb
Where are the voices in Yngvild’s head coming from?
Yngvild grew up on the small island of Straven, with her foster brother Noren, and a small group of adults that crew a fishing boat and look after a flock of sheep. It’s a quiet backwater in the Western Isles, and apart from the odd visit by raiders, pretty safe. Until the King’s Ship Seagull comes visiting, to keep an eye on the mysterious visitor from afar that has turned up unannounced.
Nicknamed ‘Yngvild the Fierce’ because at the age of 14 she scared off raiders by bouncing a practice arrow off the helmet of their leader, twice. Yngvild and Noren go to the capital, Kronstadt, with Old Bjorn, the man she thought was her father. Helga Trollslayer, Yngvild’s long-lost mother, passes Yngvild the sword known as Jafnadr, an heirloom from her dead father. Yngvild, Noren, and others, are heroes descended from the gods. On arrival at Krondstadt they’re dropped into the murky world of heroes, and the trouble begins.
Now a young woman with voices in her head, which she thinks are from the legendary sword she’s just been given, or maybe from the silver talisman she wears round her neck. Yngvild sets out with Noren to find out who killed her father, and seek justice…
Fierce World Map
I’ve had a lot of fun writing Fierce, and building the world it’s set in. Here’s the biggest map I’ve drawn electronically of it. There are more background details and maps over on my story background wiki.

Readalong on The Storygraph
Over on The Storygraph I’m running a worldwide giveaway of 250 digital copies, and a limited giveaway of 10 paperbacks. This giveaway of Fierce runs to 18 May.
If you’ve got a Storygraph account then you can join the Readalong of Fierce that I’m hosting there from 19th May. There are chapter based discussions, and I’ll be checking in to answer questions people might have.
Fierce Questions?
Whether you’re on Storygraph or not, feel free to ask questions in the comments below.
Also, I’m planning to write more in this world.
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