Author Archives: James - Page 33
Early Writing (aged 7) – My Kitten
Alexander asked me how tall I was when I was his age, and I found this piece of my early writing in the book that my mother recorded such things - a story entitled 'My Kitten'. It's not precisely dated, but it refers to my baby brother, and that gives it a window for when he was a baby. So I was seven when I wrote it, in the very late 1970s. My Kitten My kitten is called peper. It drinks whisky mixed with beer and brandy. Sometimes it runs away with with my action men but it plays with the baby. It's basket is under Michael's cot. It eats 3 meals a day. It likes going out. Sometimes I play with it. Sometimes it goes on my bed and it likes watching television. Commentary 'My Kitten' is definitely a piece…
Noren the Strong – new Fantasy Novel – #NaNoWinner2016
I am still alive, all through November my writing time has been used on writing Noren the Strong, a new novel rather than blogging. I've managed just over 50,000 words, although Noren the Strong (working title, very likely to change) is not yet complete. So, I'm still writing even though November is finished. Noren the Strong An alley in Bryggen, this was the inspiration for the main buildings in Straven, where Noren and Yngvild grew up. Noren the Strong is a fantasy novel set in a world inspired by my recent visit to Bergen, Norway. The key point of view character is Yngvild, who has more than a bit of a crush on Noren. She's a few months older than him, and they've grown up together in a small community of about 50 people. I wrote 50,128 words for Noren…
Writer’s Bookshelf – Bookshelves Abound = #Shelfie 07
Given that November is National Novel Writing Month, the Bookshelves Abound series naturally continues with my Writer's Bookshelf. This is the fifth of the five bookshelves on the upstairs landing. It sits between the New Bookshelf and my bedroom door. Writer's Bookshelf My writer's bookshelf, where all the books on the craft of writing go, as well as useful reference works. The Writer's Bookshelf is where I've collected books about writing, language and other reference works that I think might be useful for writing or editing stories. It also has some general background works as potential research for stories that I have planned outlines for, or have written as short stories and think that I could expand. Let's start with the top and work down. Reference Works The very top shelf has a whole bunch of popular science and practical reference works. Most…
Every Word Counts – NaNoWriMo Tips – Get Ready to Write!
my desk for writing poetry, where every word counts (photo credit: James Kemp) NaNoWriMo 2016 starts tomorrow, so here are some special NaNoWriMo Tips to get you ready because every word counts. Tens of thousands of writers are waiting with fingers waggling over their keyboards. They're aiming to write 50,000 words before the end of November. 2016 NaNoWriMo Tips 1. Find a Time The trick is to find a time when you can write. Mornings are usually good because you're fresh, but others find late at night works for them. You might neeed to experiment a little to find out what works best for you. I tend to write on trains, when I can get a seat. So I get some short sharp 30 minute sessions every working day. I just use what I can because every word counts. 2.…
Bergen without my Bergen
This week I have travelled to Bergen, albeit without my Bergen. That probably won't make much sense unless you've been around the British Army, which calls rucksacks Bergens. Beautiful Bergen Bergen really is a beautiful place. The city nestles on the hillsides of seven mountains, with fjords in its midst. It's an ancient port, and still serves cruise ships and north sea oil tenders. Most of the photos are still on my camera rather than my phone. But I'll post some later on when I've had a chance to hook the camera up to the laptop. Trolls We went troll hunting up on top of Mount Fløyen, one of the seven mountains. Not the nasty internet sort, or even the ones that live under bridges. In the woods the locals have carved dozens of trolls and left them there for…