Author Archives: James - Page 41
Education – Using Somme War Diaries
This post is an attempt at education using war diaries to show on what officers did and how that affected casualties at the Battle of the Somme in 1916. This, and its follow ons, was inspired by a Twitter conversation after Friday's post. I was asked about whether other ranks were sacrificed at the Battle of the Somme by officers. It was a form of Alan Clarke's fallacy Lions led by donkeys. Here's the tweet. There are three parts to answering the questions. What did officers do in WW1 battles? What are the relative numbers of officers and other ranks in WW1 infantry battalions? (and how did this change as the battle progressed?) What do the casualties tell us? Method of Education For the first question I went back to my WW1 bookshelves. There are a few relevant tomes. I also drew on…
The Nightmare Stacks by Charlie Stross [Book Review]
The Nightmare Stacks by Charles Stross My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Nightmare Stacks is another turn in the Laundry series, which has moved firmly away from following Bob Howard to being about the world that Bob inhabits. The main point of view in the Nightmare Stacks is Alex, one of the vampires from The Rhesus Chart. We also see some from Cassie's point of view (a new character) and Pinky & Brains return and play a strong supporting part in the story. We also see Pete the Vicar as Alex's mentor. The Nightmare Stacks Alex is not a cynical snarky commentator. Instead we have a primary character that is focussed on work and lacking some of the social skills, especially in dealing with the opposite sex, that are more commonplace. Alex is getting used to the changes of being…
Battle of the Somme 1916
Today is the centenary of the first infantry attacks in the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Zero Hour was 07:30, and at that point the whistles blew and the infantry began their advance across no-man's land towards the German trenches. The infantry attack was preceded by over a week's artillery bombardment of one and a half million shells. A couple of minutes before H-hour several mines were detonated under the main German positions. Public Perceptions of the Battle of the Somme The Badly Shelled Road to Bapaume (21 Sept 1916) By Lt Ernest Brooks, via Wikimedia Commons This image gives the general public perception of WW1 in general, and the Battle of the Somme in particular. It is from the Battle of the Somme, but from 20th September 1916 rather than 1st July. The Somme battle was what churned…
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Requirements – Five Steps to Great Requirements
Requirements are the key to getting a good solution, whether in procurement or just choosing between options. Most people get their requirements wrong, largely because they haven't drawn this connection. Requirements analysis is the first stage in the systems engineering process and software development process. Systems Engineering Fundamentals Defense Acquisition University Press, 2001 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Common Mistakes This list isn't exhaustive, I'm sure there are many more ways that requirements can go wrong. having too many not prioritising not engaging end users to develop requirements that meet their needs just throwing everything in that users ask for, without analysis of necessity (the big stapler approach) having requirements that constrain options to a specific solution ( "we need to upgrade Oracle" rather than "we need a database"). I've spent years as an analyst, and leading teams of business analysts, coming up with requirements…
Staked by Kevin Hearne [Book Review]
Staked by Kevin Hearne My rating: 4 of 5 stars I'm a fan of the Iron Druid. So much so that I pre-ordered Staked in paperback. All the previous ones I've read as catch up on my Kindle. However Kevin Hearne has made my pre-order on sight list (along with Ben Aaronovitch, Terry Pratchett, Iain Banks and Charles Stross). Staked Staked is the eighth full novel, and I've lost count of the novellas. The paperback version also has Prelude to War in the back of it, which is handy because Staked makes more sense when you've read Prelude to War. Just in case you've not read any Iron Druid, it's a very sensible urban fantasy series set in the modern day. I say sensible because the universe isn't too strange. You can imagine it coexisting with the world we…