Author Archives: James - Page 49
Tending Leaders – Looking after our own leaders
The Kings of War (KOW) blog asked an interesting question a week or so ago. How good are we at tending leaders? Leadership is Lonely Me helping to promote the Rugby World Cup as part of tending leaders at work! While the KOW blog has a military perspective the original thought came from a police blog. I think the sentiment of loneliness of command also applies to civil servants too. Probably also to leaders in other spheres. I've had a few roles involving leadership of large numbers of people. I've also been fairly close to people who have done the same thing, more senior people than me. I've certainly seen them get isolated, and in some cases surrounded by sycophantic yessers. We need to keep tending leaders if we want them to be good. From my time running a passport office…
Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith [Book Review]
Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith My rating: 3 of 5 stars I read Strangers on a Train because it was a book club choice in the office. The synopsis gives an intriguing premise, and I sometimes read crime stories (I've just downloaded the first four Cadfael stories, and I enjoyed the Ian Rankin novels I've read). Strangers on a Train was a contemporary crime novel when it was fit published in 1950. So I thought I'd give it a go. Strangers on a Train The premise is of two strangers on a train who get talking and eventually agree to murder someone for the other person. The idea is that because they aren't linked to the murder victim then they'll get away with the crime. It's set about 1950, so forensic science doesn't come into the equation. Strangers…
The Smoke of Her Burning by M J Logue [Book Review]
The Smoke of Her Burning by M J Logue My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Smoke of Her Burning is the fourth in the Hollie Babbitt Uncivil Wars series. Set after Command the Raven and before A Wilderness of Sin. The Smoke of Her Burning covers the tale of Hapless Russell's nadir and then his redemption. The Smoke of Her Burning English: Oil on canvas painting of Charles I holding a council of war at Edgecote on the day before the Battle of Edgehill (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Hollie Babbitt returns to his pregnant wife Het for winter quarters in 1643. He expects a quiet winter with his wife before the birth of his son (or daughter). Babbitt is accompanied on his return journey by Cornet Pettitt and his father Lije Babbitt. Meanwhile we see a glimpse of Russell. Having been injured…
Bloodline Feud by Charles Stross [Book Review]
The Bloodline Feud by Charles Stross My rating: 5 of 5 stars Bloodline Feud is a reworking of the first two books in the Merchant Princes series. Charlie Stross explained why he'd rewritten them on his blog. Basically he'd written them this way and was asked by the publisher to split them into smaller books because the fantasy doorstop wasn't in fashion. The Bloodline Feud I'd already read the entire series so I was wary of buying the Bloodline Feud. The only reason I did was because it was on special offer from Amazon for 99p. At that price almost anything is worth trying. Bloodline Feud is mostly the same story, but it is better than I remember either of the two books being. Also the combining them into one volume works very well. The story has a better pace…
Milmud – Guest Post today about 1689 Highland Battles
Today's blog post is a guest post on Military Muddling, AKA Milmud. Milmud is the blog and club newsletter for Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group (CLWG). CLWG are a group of activist game designers. Most of the Megagame Makers designers belong to CLWG, including Jim Wallman who brought us the Universe roleplaying games and Watch the Skies. I'm a member of CLWG and have been for about 20 years. At the 2015 CLWG conference I ran a session on the Highland Battles of 1689. This is going to form part of a 1689 Megagame planned for late 2017. You can read more about my game design efforts over on Hot Blood and Cold Steel. Link to Milmud Here's the post on milmud Highland Battles 1689 - onside report. I found the session very useful and I learnt a lot from it.…