Author Archives: James - Page 57
Book Review – Behind the Lines by Russell Miller
Behind the Lines: The Oral History of Special Operations in World War II by Russell Miller My rating: 4 of 5 stars A very interesting collection of first hand accounts by those involved with the Special Operations Executive or the OSS special operations during WW2. The book is split into chapters covering broad themes or areas of operation. Maquisards (Resistance fighters) in the Haute-Savoie département in August 1944. Third and fourth from the left are two SOE officers. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Almostall of the book is in the direct quotation from the various special operationspersonnel. There is a broad range of people interviewed for the book, most of them only appear to have been used in one section, although a couple may have been used more than once. This shows the attitudes they had to the work and the people that…
Book Review – The Annihilation Score by Charlie Stross
The Annihilation Score by Charles Stross My rating: 4 of 5 stars I finished reading The Annihilation Score last night, I really enjoyed it, although it makes a lot more sense now that I've read the spoiler thread comments over on The pitch is Bob Howard's exes set up a superhero team to fight crime. The Annihilation Score is the 6th Laundry novel and the second departure from Bob as the narrator. This time we have his wife Mo as our unreliable narrator. She is tasked to set up an arms length body to get ahead of the curve on an outbreak of superheroes. This is a side effect of CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN, AKA the end of the world as we know it. As well as working flat-out to deal with the superheroes Mo finds her marriage falling apart. Her…
Author Interview – Randall T. Lowe
This week's interview is with Randall Lowe, an attorney that has turned his hand to writing a very gritty urban fantasy series, the Felix Chronicles. Do you write for a living, or do you also do other work? I’m an attorney by day (and often by night as well). I didn’t get the itch to write a novel until I had been practicing law for quite some time. How do you deal with the stranger reviews? Since I’m new to the business of having my writing reviewed I have to admit that I find it all a bit terrifying. If an established writer receives some negative reviews it’s not the end of the world as generally a flood of positive reviews will swallow them up and render the “one stars” almost instantly forgotten. For someone like me, on the other…
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Doctor Who Trailer – Sept 19th!
Watch the Doctor Who trailer for the new series starting on 10 Sept 2015. This Doctor Who trailer is the first teaser for the new series. Awesome stuff, lots of interesting things in there, including a Dalek, Missy, zombies coming out of the ground and loads of other stuff. Roll on September! I cannot wait for this to start on 19th September. The only thing that could make this better would be the news that there is a crossover with the Sherlock team. Peter Capaldi and Benedict Cumberbatch written by Stephen Moffat would be awesome cubed! Related articles BBC teases new 'Sherlock' image, but all fans can see is hair A New Image Of The Next "Sherlock" Episode Has Been Released And It Looks Very Victorian Direct from The Beeb Throwback Photo from SHERLOCK Christmas Special The 'Doctor Who' and…
New Books 2015 pt.5
This is the latest crop of book acquisitions this year. Three ARCs, two for megagame research, three from a charity shop and one from a publisher's special offer. About half way through the year and I've acquired 38 books, meaning that to meet my reading target I need to read 43 paper books. So far I've only finished reading 12 paper books (out of 29 total). However I've broken my kindle, and there are a number of paper books that I've read part of, but not quite finished. So I'd expect to finish at least 30 books between now and the end of the year. Why I Acquired the Books Haking A Dutiful Soldier - I've got one of the books he wrote before the war, and a few on the 1916 Battle of Fromelles, where he was the Corps Commander. The Last Roundhead -…