
A215 Short Fiction: Daprav – A Creation Myth

As part of my Creative Writing course I need to write a short story for my next assignment. So rather than racking my brains about it I've been going back over stuff I'd written, but not finished, in the past for some inspiration. I also plan to do the exercises in the book to see what that sparks up too. Anyway I was looking through my role-playing archives and went through a fantasy game I used to run where I made up all of the setting myself rather than using a published one (there are about 17k words on this, and on top of that a stack of index cards). I was rather taken by the creation myth I wrote for the primary god in a theocracy. Daprav It is important to distinguish between Daprav Himself and the Church, which…
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A215 TMA01 – Night Patrol

Here is the text I submitted for the Creative Writing assignment. The first and third parts are unaltered. I lightly edited Part 2 based on the feedback received (in net terms I added five words). Part 1 is a freewrite, intended to spark ideas based on a prompt. Part 2 is, in my case, a piece of autobiographical writing (my apologies if anyone recognises the events in question). Part 3 is a reflection on the process of doing the assignment. Part 1: Freewrite on prompt ‘Walking at Night’ Some of the most fun I ever had was wandering about in the dark. As a teenager I used to play outside at night, walking through the streetlights, with others playing hide and seek in the dark corners. It taught me to move silently and to use shadows to sneak back to…
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Vote for Ancillary Justice in the Goodreads Best Reads of 2013

Amongst others I posted on twitter and Google+ for people to write in Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie in the Science Fiction category of the Goodreads Best of 2013 awards. That worked because enough people thought the same way I did about it. Here's what Ann Leckie said Anyway you need to go instantly and vote for Ancillary Justice the new round over at Goodreads. Just to remind you why this is the right thing to do. Here's my review of Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. Related articles   Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice The Big Idea: Ann Leckie Book Review: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie RT Reviewers Choice Award Nomination + Goodreads Semifinals Review: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
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Creative Writing First Assignment Marked

Today I got my marks for my first assignment on the Open University course I am doing on Creative Writing (A215). I'm not allowed to post the question nor the feedback. However unusually this course has an exemption from publishing my own answer. Presumably this is because it is unlikely to help anyone else with the assignment were they to do it in the future. Creative Writing is quite different from the other academic courses that I have completed. For a start there is a limit to what you can get externally to answer the question. When I did strategy I was able to go and read loads of papers and books on the topic in addition to the course materials. For A215 the support of other people seems to take that place, along with copious redrafting. I went through…
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Latest new books

These are the newest arrivals in my house. Just started reading Suggs, which is a free review copy. The first dozen pages have got me interested and I will be reading it over the next week. Related articles Madness star Suggs on his love for his Welsh roots
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