
Perfects – Chapter 5 Discovery

Chapter 4 - Beginning CHAPTER FIVE Discovery Our usual routine involved an hour or so of stooging around without wearing a terminal, not even a supposedly switched-off one. We usually started by leaving home on a back route and taking a bike ride or a bus to the local shopping area, we always worked during the busiest hours. Once we were in the shopping area we needed to find a crowd. Once we’d got into the crowd, dropping down to tie a shoe lace would normally put you out of sight of any followers or cameras. A quick change of hat, and perhaps turning a hoodie inside out would be enough to help that process on. Once we’d spent some time making sure no-one was following us, we’d make our way to the meeting point. I was usually first there,…
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A215 Short Fiction – Planting the Past

Art journal ideas1 - give away (Photo credit: ewian) This is a piece of short fiction written for the first online tutorial of A215 Creative Writing. It followed on from three exercises intended to spur some creativity. The exercises centred around thinking of a place that you love being and then asked questions about that place. The first was some descriptive writing about the place, things you could see, smell, hear etc. The second was to write about a flash memory in the present tense and the last was to list some facts about the place and then spin off some 'what ' questions related to those facts. This last one was what really got my 400 word piece of fiction going. So here it is, all 400 words of it. Planting the Past Hands resting on her heavily pregnant…
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Perfects – Chapter 4 Beginnings

Chapter 3 - Trust CHAPTER FOUR Beginnings One afternoon I had had enough of working on testing Charlie's game for a bit and I stopped to grab something to eat and another coffee. Cat was in, and she was also after some coffee, so we got to talking about the care home while we waited for the machine to finish brewing. Cat was a good bit older than me, and had left Dawkins House a few years before I did. “I remember you coming in as a baby” Cat told me, “and it wasn't 17 years ago, so how come they made you sit the exam and then leave the home?” “You remember that?” “I do. I've always been interested in babies, although not enough to want one of my own just yet. I was about 9 when you came…
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Perfects – Chapter 3 Trust

Chapter 2 - Pandora CHAPTER THREE Trust It took me a long time to catch up with Charlie, he was in and out at all hours, and really only came home to sleep, wash, change and very rarely eat. He didn’t answer any of my messages nor accept any calls. When I did see him he clearly had a good income, he had a pair of wraparound shades that were visual terminal spectacles rather than the more normal ones. He was a little taller than me, but not especially tall for a bloke. I couldn’t tell what his eyes were like and he was wearing a close fitting cap on his head that hid most of his hair. What little of it I could see was dark. He was wearing good clothes, quality labels in a common fashion. I doubted…
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Perfects – Chapter 2 Pandora

English: Blonde girl Русский: Блондинка (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Chapter 1 - Charlie CHAPTER TWO Pandora I grew up in a children’s home, the main feature of which was that there were always lots of people about. If it wasn’t a couple of other kids there were social workers too. It didn’t mean that you couldn’t find a place to be on your own, but it did mean that you never had to be alone. So I found it strange to be in a house all by myself. Stranger still because it was where I lived now and I needed to get used to that. One of the things I wondered about was how I was going to get a job, not that I particularly wanted one, but the moving on grant was going to run out soon and I was…
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