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Book Review – Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin

Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin My rating: 4 of 5 stars A fairly easy read. Rebus is an interesting character and the story was well plotted with a less than obvious outcome. It has a realistic feeling to it and lives within the time that it was written, although much of that would still work now. I read it because it was cheap and I have always wondered if the Rebus novels were any good. I think that they are based on this one (the second of many) and I can see why they sell by the truckload. I suspect I'll be catching some more of these on my kindle. View all my reviews Related articles Ian Rankin creator of Inspector Rebus writes new book inspired by 'greatest guitarist' Ian Rankin: 'Mavericks like Rebus wouldn't join the modern police…
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On Syria

English: A volcano called Syria (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The situation in Syria has caught public attention because of the alleged use of chemical weapons (most likely Sarin) by someone. I don't usually stray into current affairs quite so much as this, these sort of situations are too raw to even think about designing games about them. However the press coverage seems to be quite off base to me, seeing this as a repeat of Iraq/Afghanistan where it appears to me to be closer to the break up of Yugoslavia, or perhaps the Rwanda genocide. Also much of my experience in trying to understand conflict can be brought to bear on this situation. (more…)
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Games on COIN

This post is prompted by an excellent post by the guys at On Violence. You should read Capturing Australia! COIN is Boring  to which this was my belated comment. McCormick model of insurgency (Photo credit: Wikipedia) My apologies for coming late to this one, I’ve been on leave for a couple of weeks now and being spending time with the family. I’ve been interested in designing a counter insurgency game since the mid 1990s. The original trigger for my interest were the decolonisation conflicts of the British Empire. This wasn’t a board game, nor a computer game. The group I belong to designs face to face games for multiple participants, a bit like the sort of command post exercises those of us who’ve done some military or civil contingencies time would recognise. I never ran the decolonisation game that prompted…
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Trawling the Archives

I've been looking through some of my early writing on my computer, most of which was written for publication in Chestnut Lodge's club magazine, known affectionately as MilMud (a contraction of Military Muddling). I found several articles from the mid 90s which I have cut and pasted into the blog with dates when they were originally written or the file modified date if that isn't clear. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Libre Office can open WordPerfect files with no problems. 1995 CLWG Games Weekend - Saturday. This was my first ever CLWG event and my first offside report. 1995 CLWG Games Weekend - Sunday. The second part of this report. A Young Officer’s Guide to Fighting in Built Up Areas (FIBUA). I wrote this as a spoof of a training manual extract. At the time I was very much…
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Book Review – Biggles in Spain by W.E. Johns

Biggles in Spain by Johns My rating: 4 of 5 stars I picked this up for a pound in a charity shop in Caterham. I was surprised to find that it stood up well to the passing of time. It was written towards the end of the Spanish Civil War, during which it is set, and first published in 1939. It still reads as a good story. A bit boys own in places, but it is Biggles and that's exactly what Biggles stories are supposed to be. There is a good feel for the history, which is partly through being practically contemporaneous with the events it described. Well worth reading. View all my reviews Related articles Biggles and the Classics The Sunday Yarn ~ Biggles biggles goes to war Book doctor: What first world war books might 10-year-olds like?
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