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Moving to New Computer pt.2

I cannot be sure why exactly, but after waiting ages for the iso to be compiled (and trying that a couple of times to be sure) I just couldn't get the remastersys backup distro to work. I managed to get an ISO image fine, and I could install it on the USB stick, and then boot from that same stick. However when I tried to install onto the new machine's hard disk it failed during the file copying process (306% in). After three failed attempts I've fallen back to: installing Ubuntu desktop onto the new machine. After that I installed both openssh and nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server so that I can copy files from the old machine to the new machine. mount the / of the old machine on /old on middenface james@middenface:/old$ sudo mount sternhammer:/export /old made a backup of…
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Moving Ubuntu to New Computer

So I finally got myself a new PC to replace the ubuntu server. The new box is a Acer Revo R3700 from which was £200, very cheap for a brand new box, and it comes with HDMI out. In keeping with my naming policy for devices it will be called 'middenface'. Anyway the plan is to use remastersys to create a live cd from the old ubuntu server installation and then write that to the new box. Instructions about this come from here deb More later as I get on with it, just installing remastersys so that I can prepare the bootable usb stick from the ISO it makes. The other thing I need to do is work out how to swap the hard disk in the new machine to upgrade it from 200Gb to 500Gb. This youtube video shows you…
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Proud Parent

Alexander's first proper parents evening at school was last night. He got a glowing report, the teacher actually said "it is a delight to have him in my class". All good stuff. He is a good all rounder, knows his words and numbers (already past the reception expectations), and leads other children in play and other activities. Teacher was quick to point out that leadership was very gentle and not domineering, but effective. Let's hope he stays this way for the rest of his school time (and life too).
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First Assignment Submitted!

After a couple of sweaty days (mostly from the gout and related medication rather than the assignment it has to be said) I finished off my first (of 6) Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) for the B310 Making Sense of Strategy course I'm doing with the Open University. Next assignment is due in four weeks, so I'd better get started on it right away. Well perhaps tomorrow.  next tonight is to get some sleep. Related articles You can be creative and innovative () OpenLearn - The Open University ()
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Making Sense of Strategy (Open University B301)

I've just started an Open University course (B301) titled "Making Sense of Strategy" in an attempt to show that I understand the theory as well as having practical experience of developing Strategy. The latter is a matter of record (on my CV at any rate). Mostly I've done it using central government's policy perspective, which isn't terribly good at acknowledging various academic theories. I've also got a strong pragmatic streak, so I've never really held much stock by other people's formal methods. Nevertheless Making Sense of Strategy will marry up my practice with the theory. Making Sense of Strategy What my experience does is make me highly sceptical of the various models being held up. That is probably a good thing. Making Sense of Strategy is mostly about making people think for themself. While still showing that we understand the competing theories. I've been looking at…
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