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(Not so) Secret Santa
We've arranged with some friends who live nearby to do presents and other stuff together on Christmas morning. This is primarily aimed at our children but we thought that we might also get some presents ourselves. However we didn't really want to go over the top nor to make it too expensive. So our collective brains have come up with the idea that we will see who can get the most extravagant gift from eBay. We've all picked a name out of the hat (there being three couples involved) and we've set the following rules: the gift must be under £10 (and ideally that should include post & packing); it ought to be something that the chosen person will like/use; it must come from eBay; you have to have it physically available on Christmas Day; The person that we think…
The library of Triamore: Mundane tractatus
Last night I joined in with Simon Cornelius's Ars Magica campaign. My character is a female Mage (aka Maga) called Lumen, she's a younger daughter of a French baron in the early thirteenth century. Blond, blue-eyed and slightly elfin like, the picture I have in my head of what she looks like is of the actress Laura Harris. Lumen is current a visitor to the Triamore Covenant and brought some books with her in exchange for being allowed access to their library. She appears to be in her early thirties and has not yet settled down and got her own lab yet. Her primary interest is in learning her arts better by reading up, followed by a little practise. She prefers Spring and Summer and gets a little sad in the winter time, being a sunshine sort of person. Apart…
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more blogging tests
Well, it looks like I can't find any other blog clients that work for me. Not even sure that this one would work if the machine isn't connected to the internet. So I think I'll just try and use this and start posting stuff about the games I've been playing recently.
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Master of Europe 3
The megagame of the 1813 campaign in Europe was played at Anerley Town Hall on Saturday 7th November 2009. My role was as General Blucher, the senior Prussian Military Commander and also the Commander of the joint Prussian-Russian Army of Silesia. We started off during the ceasefire period of August 1813, with my army in the furthest South East section of the map, in Reichenbach, near Breslau, in what I think is now Poland. The other member of my team was Mike Young, playing a Russian General. Our orders were to stay put until a general plan of action had been agreed. The initial army council of war having failed to set an objective other than to defeat Napoleon. We were up against Marshal Ney's army, which was immediately to our front across a river. We also had some distance…
Preparing For War – Onside Report
British evacuation from the beaches of Dunkirk (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I had a design session titled 'Preparing for War' at the CLWG November meeting. Preparing for War was about training an infantry company in the UK after Dunkirk. Rather than a conversational design session I decided to try and do something that was playable. I'd been somewhat frustrated at the conference with discussions of games that looked like they could have been played. I'd felt that perhaps by playing it we could have tested whether or not the perceived problems were actually real. Preparing for War I ran a sort of role-playing game about re-constructing an infantry company after the evacuation from Dunkirk. John Rutherford was the first person to arrive (after me). So I cast him as the first officer to report to the village in Devon I'd decided to put the company in. Chosen only because the OS map…