Charlie Company, Peter Cochrane

This is a history of C Company 2nd Bn Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders in the western desert, Sudan & Eritrea, Keren and then in Italy. They were part of 4th Indian Division. The author was an officer who did all his active service with the same infantry company and this covers his experiences and those of his company. Synopsis Of the many books about the last war, some offer the general's view of an entire battlefield, others have been individual experiences or divisional histories. "Charlie Company" is something original, the story of a rifle company of the Cameron Highlanders whose record of service in the Western Desert, Eritrea, and throughout the Italian campaign fully deserves this tribute to their courage and endurance. Peter Cochrane joined the company as a young platoon commander in 1940. He won an MC in their first action in Libya, and followed this with a DSO for…
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CLWG Games Weekend 2007 Reports

Siege of Yendor Tryout Jim put on a session to try out the mechanisms for the upcoming megagame. We spent some time trying to bring down a section of wall, and also seeing whether or not it was possible to directly assault the wall without first undermining or demolishing it. Jim's Breeding Idea This was a design session rather than a game, but we gave it a good go none the less. Jim had come away from the Light of the Trees megagame with an idea that it ought to be possible to do a sub-component of a game about breeding heroes using some real genetics theory. The main aim was that, like in real life, the players managing the breeding programme wouldn't actually know what the actual genetic make up of their characters were. Over time those players that were keeping an eye on things…
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Potting Shed

Been a while since I last added an entry here. It's been a busy time, both at work and at home. Of late we've had the kitchen re-done, a potting shed installed and there will be a brand new patio starting next weekend. Today was a good day at home with Alexander. We spent a considerable amount of time playing trains and building a railway with his Thomas the Tank Engine train set. He thoroughly enjoys it and has just started calling the trains 'choo choo'. Not his first word, but in the first dozen for certain. We also spent some time in the garden, me more than him as I pottered about in the potting shed while he had an afternoon nap. I got it reasonably sorted out for actually potting plants. Took the seedling compost and small pots…
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CLWG Offside Report – November 2006

There were three sessions at the British end of the November '06 meeting of CLWG; no doubt Daniel and Nick will enlighten us separately on what we missed at the continental meeting. In order of appearance the attendance was Trevor, Mukul, Jim, Brian, John, Peter Howland and myself. The sessions were: Torchwood. A Victorian roleplaying game run by Brian Cameron Starship Marine. A classic figure game run by Jim Remember, Remember. An old favourite re-run by both Jim and Brian covering the gunpowder plot of 1605. Torchwood (Brian) Brian started this off with a short clip from the end of the Doctor Who episode that had inspired the game. The episode (titled Torchwood) involved the Doctor saving Queen Victoria from a werewolf in the Highlands in 1879. At the end of the episode (after QV has knighted and then immediately…
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Detling Military Odyssey

From a Fairfax point of view this was a small do, there being four pike, twelve musket, two sergeants, one drummer and one officer. It was an ECWS major though and there were probably a couple of hundred on the field, certainly one of the opposing pike divisions I saw over 30 pike in it. There were also hordes of other re-enactors, including a disturbing number of SS and Hitler Youth. The Saturday saw some rain and a very boring battle (we were in reserve and it was a billiard table relieved only by someone's very small shed, a couple of loose fences and some bales of hay). All round us were lots of wigwams and we attempted bravely to follow the script but in the end gave up and took a cannon before the KA retreated from the field.…
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