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Sleepless Nights
There have been a few more than usually sleepless nights of late. Poor Alexander has picked up an infection of some sort at nursery and this has made him successively vomit (Tuesday evening/night) and then very fractious and clingy since then. Tracy and I haven't had much in the way of sleep, it has been go to bed early and then get up frequently to minister to a crying boy. He's really very cute and looks properly poorly. You can tell the difference between this sort of crying and the sort where he tries it on to get cuddles and his own way.
Well Alexander isn't running yet, but he is a lot better at walking. It has been a busy few weeks with not a lot of time to do anything more than play with Alexander, sort myself out for work, eat, sleep and go to and from the office. Tracy has also been working both weekends which has meant that I've not managed to do anything those days either as Alexander and I have been having fun and he has been having his sleeps when we've been out thus reducing the little time I get to use a computer (and by implication post to this blog). Anyway we're gearing up to go to Detling this weekend for the annual multi-period historical re-enactment event run by Kent County Council. It is one of the biggest going in the country, perhaps only the English Heritage Festival of History comes close to it in terms…
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Alexander walked unassisted for the first time this afternoon!There is a short (13 second) video on the web of him taking not quite his first steps. Sadly I missed the very first time he did it because I was putting the cover back on his car seat - although he has recently taken two steps and then stopped when standing up so it could be said that he has walked already, but today is really the first day that he has properly walked. Anyway the afternoon has mostly been taken up with getting him to walk backwards and forwards between Tracy and me. The bit that wasn't doing that was getting the video into a usable format for the web and making sure the grandparents could watch it.
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Controlled Crying
That's what we're doing to poor little Alexander. He's now in his own room and that makes it a lot harder to get up in the middle of the night to see to him if he wakes up. So we're trying to teach him to go to sleep on his own in the cot in his bedroom instead of being nursed to sleep on our bed. It is definitely the right thing to do, but like so many right things it is very difficult. You just want to charge in and pick him up when he cries. However the drill is to let him be for a few minutes and then just to pop in and speak to him. No cuddles or picking up otherwise he'll think the crying is being rewarded. Very tough on the heart.
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Sunny Brighton
Worked at home this morning from 9 until about 11 before driving down to Brighton for a meeting in a hotel off the sea front. Tracy and Alexander took advantage of this to hitch a lift to the seaside. While I was locked in a basement meeting room they were paddling in the kiddy pool and enjoying ice cream (Alexander definitely likes ice cream because you can't have one without him making a dive for it!) After my meeting we had a nice walk along the pier in the sunshine (after I managed to get out of my work clothes into t-shirt and shorts). Very pleasant indeed and much cooler than it was at home (apparently it was about four degrees Centigrade cooler in Brighton). Unfortunately the fish restaurant on the pier was closed for sit in food when we went there for dinner. Dinner was a bit disappointing in…