
Ben Lomond from Ptarmigan Ridge [Munro #6]

Yesterday Alex, Davie and I walked up the Ptarmigan Ridge and from there onto Ben Lomond. It was an interesting walk with some excellent views and a fierce wind that almost blew us onto the summit of Ben Lomond. Planning Ben Lomond Route up Ben Lomond The original plan was for an easy walk to blow the winter cobwebs away. With Ben Lomond's reputation for being so easy small kids do it that seemed an obvious reading through a few accounts of the route I found that most serious walkers go up the tourist path and back via Ptarmigan Ridge. On looking at the map I thought that maybe doing this the other way round would be good. I also discovered when reading that there's a third route up Ben Lomond, from the north face. Having seen that myself I…
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Going to Aldhani

On Saturday Alex and I took a walk to the Imperial base at Aldhani, otherwise known as the Cruachan Dam. The primary draw to walk to the dam was that it was used in the filming of the Star Wars Andor series as the imperial garrison that was raided on Aldhani that triggered the rebellion to coalesce into a coalition that was able to take on the Empire. So from a Star Wars rebels perspective, Aldani is where it all started. Alex also wanted to do a spoof insta style 'Rebel Roots on Aldhani' report. Planning for Aldhani Alex walks with his feet either side of the path because there's water flowing down it! (Photo: James Kemp) Having looked at the map it seemed to be a wee bit of a walk, just over a kilometre from the closest bit…
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2022 Retrospective

For the last few years I've been writing a retrospective for the year, and maybe setting out something that could be called resolutions for the next year. I've been a bit softer on the resolution front the last few years, I'm calling it wisdom, but also a bit of realism. It's good to have aspirations, but we need to make them things that are in our own year, I set four goals for 2022. Find a new house for the family to live in, and get us settled over the summer Make some new friends, and keep in contact with our current ones Keep on having things to look forward to Climb some munros, and take my family on the hills with me New House We spent the first half of 2022 looking for a new house and then packing…
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Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers [Munro 4 & 5]

Earlier today I walked up Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers with my brother and son. On the new count Beinn Ghlas was number 4 and Ben Lawers the fifth Munro. Only another 278 to go! It was a two hour drive from our house, but we had an early start and got there just before 10. The car park had a £3 parking fee, although free for members of the National Trust for Scotland. We started off at 10:05. You can see the detail of our route on OS Maps - I plotted this one using the aerial photos of Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers because the footpath was suspiciously straight and it suggested three hours was enough to do two munros! Beinn Ghlas Translated from Gaelic this is Grey Mountain. It's in a nature reserve, although we didn't see…
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Driesh and then Mayar [Munro 2 & 3]

Driesh is the closest munro to our new house in Scotland, and Mayar is only a couple of miles on the same ridge from it. So on Saturday 22nd July Alex and I went for a walk to bag two more munros by doing Driesh, and then Mayar. We did them in that order because of the proximity, even though most of the guides have the walk in the opposite direction. Our route was up the Kilbo path on the  side of the Shank of Drumfollow to a saddle between Driesh and Mayar. We then detoured East for a mile to the summit of Driesh, and then back to the same point to approach the summit of Mayar from the East. We then turned North and walked to the source of the Fee Burn and then descended into Corrie Fee…
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