Book Review – Would They Lie to You? by Robert Hutton
Would They Lie to You? by Robert Hutton My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is even better than the previous book Romps, Tots and Boffins: The Strange Language of News by Robert Hutton which was a look at journalese. Would They Lie to You? is a much more cynical look at how people tell stories to journalists (and by extension to the public). Presented as if it is a leaked document teaching the inner circle how to use language to manipulate the truth without actually breaking it. The opening quotes summarise it perfectly "I didn't lie, you just asked the wrong questions - Rob Ford". Having spent some of my working life in Whitehall I recognise some of the techniques presented, and it made me laugh in the same way Dilbert does. Like its predecessor it is divided into…
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How to make a Chinese Dragon Hat pt.2
../ cont from How to make a Chinese Dragon Hat Step 5 - Undercoat When the PVA has all dried you need to undercoat the model you have built. You can use black, white or grey paint for this. Spray primer works really well. However if you are doing it manually mix a little PVA (1 part PVA to four parts paint) with the paint to help seal it in. The purpose of the undercoat stage is to cover up all the newsprint and get a solid base coat that you can decorate. In the end we used white paint (with a small amount of green in it as we intended to have a green dragon). You might need to do more than one undercoat to get an even coverage. We needed two coats before the text from the newsprint…
How to make a Chinese Dragon Hat pt.1
As most kids do, Alexander got some homework over the school holidays. His new teacher asked the class to make a crazy hat and bring it in, with a note that they would need it all year. We decided to make a Chinese Dragon Hat (mainly because Alexander is in China Class for Year 4). What you need to make a Chinese Dragon Hat cardboard (old cereal boxes or similar) scissors (large ones capable of cutting cardboard) tape (micropore is best if you have it, gaffer tape is also handy in places) an egg box (12 or more eggs are best) newspaper PVA Glue & a half-inch paintbrush Assorted paints (green, red, yellow, black & white) and brushes (glitter optional) Coloured paper (green, red, yellow for making scales) Coloured pipe cleaners (red, orange & yellow for make some fire breath)…
Book Review – Romps, Tots and Boffins by Robert Hutton
Romps, Tots and Boffins: The Strange Language of News by Robert Hutton My rating: 4 of 5 stars A really interesting commentary/dictionary on the language used by journalists. Well worth reading. The chapters are themed, Politics, Sex, Death etc. and after a little introductory bit there are then a set of definitions for each of the terms. As well as being informative there is also a sense of humour to it and several of the entries made me chuckle out loud as I read them. Definitely worth a read if you have an interest in language. View all my reviews Related articles Romps, Tots and Boffins by Robert Hutton (@RobDotHutton) for £! @eandtbooks #Amazon UK Kindle Nonfiction Daily Deal! The Word on the Sheet Lauren Collins: A guide to the language of news. Boffin lifts the lid on journalese: A…
Scottish Independence – Staying Positive
I'm Scottish and I live in England. So I don't get a vote on Scotland becoming independent. I do get to express my opinion though. For most of my life I would describe myself as a proud Scot. The outcome on September 18th won't change that. What could is the negative campaigning, especially from the Yes camp. There is much to be proud of as a Scot and many reasons why Independence is right for Scotland. However being negative about the English or Westminster isn't the right way to do it. Scots should be looking at what they can have, what they will be, not painting themselves as victims. I watched the Scotland Decides debate the other night. Alex Salmond came across as a Tartan Tory, a little Scotlander using the Daily Mail's play book and sticking a kilt on it. Darling…