Tag archives for 2016

Yngvild and Noren – Editing my 2016 NaNoWriMo Novel

Working cover for Noren the Strong, my 2016 NaNoWriMo entry (image: James Kemp) At the end of May I went back to my 2016 NaNoWriMo novel, having left it in the early hours of December 2016. After a gap of 18 months I figured that I would have the detachment from it necessary to give it a good edit. Reading my 2016 NaNoWriMo novel It stood up pretty well on my first read through. I spotted many typos, and highlighted bits to re-write. But for the most part it got left alone on this read through because it was better than I'd expected. I'll do more with it as I find time, mostly when waiting for trains, or traveling. The main things that I noticed that I need to fix are: It needs a new title. The first six scenes…
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2016 Stats for Themself – a review of the blog

The Garden Bookshelf in my potting shed, which is the real life equivalent of Themself During 2016 my blogging was patchy, I had some spells of not blogging frequently (notably in November & December). However I managed to write 81 blog posts, of which 77 have been published. That's over 47,000 words of new blog posts, not to mention the pictures. Not all of my blog writing was for Themself, some of it went on Cold Steel and a little went on a new fork of my leadership and work-related material called Red Leader. I've not really had time to do much with Red Leader, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually. The two forks took some of the traffic away from Themself, but that gives this blog a little more focus, and it still has by far and away the most material of all…
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Noren the Strong – new Fantasy Novel – #NaNoWinner2016

I am still alive, all through November my writing time has been used on writing Noren the Strong, a new novel rather than blogging. I've managed just over 50,000 words, although Noren the Strong (working title, very likely to change) is not yet complete. So, I'm still writing even though November is finished. Noren the Strong An alley in Bryggen, this was the inspiration for the main buildings in Straven, where Noren and Yngvild grew up. Noren the Strong is a fantasy novel set in a world inspired by my recent visit to Bergen, Norway. The key point of view character is Yngvild, who has more than a bit of a crush on Noren. She's a few months older than him, and they've grown up together in a small community of about 50 people. I wrote 50,128 words for Noren…
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Every Word Counts – NaNoWriMo Tips – Get Ready to Write!

my desk for writing poetry, where every word counts (photo credit: James Kemp) NaNoWriMo 2016 starts tomorrow, so here are some special NaNoWriMo Tips to get you ready because every word counts. Tens of thousands of writers are waiting with fingers waggling over their keyboards. They're aiming to write 50,000 words before the end of November. 2016 NaNoWriMo Tips 1. Find a Time The trick is to find a time when you can write. Mornings are usually good because you're fresh, but others find late at night works for them. You might neeed to experiment a little to find out what works best for you. I tend to write on trains, when I can get a seat. So I get some short sharp 30 minute sessions every working day. I just use what I can because every word counts. 2.…
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Civil Service Live 2016

Yesterday I attended some sessions at Civil Service Live 2016 in the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in central London. The QEIICC is next door to my office, so I didn't spend the whole day there. Some meetings were arranged at the last moment and I missed a couple of sessions. Civil Service Live Civil Service Live is a two day affair in London. There are a number of talks and workshops on a range of themes around sharing best practice across the civil service. There are also display stands for the L&D sides and some key ; In theory I could go back in today and catch what I missed. However my diary for today is pretty full. So I'll just need to hope that some of my colleagues found those interesting and can share the key messages with…
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