Tag archives for Al Murray


Book Review: Watching War Films With My Dad by Al Murray

Watching War Films with My Dad by Al Murray My rating: 4 of 5 stars I really enjoyed reading Watching War Films With My Dad. The book plays off his fascination with military history, and that for him it stems from growing up in the 70s and 80s playing with Action Man and building Airfix kits. The thing I got from it is that Al Murray is quite different from the character that we most often see him as, the Pub Landlord. Al is a much more witty person than the Pub Landlord, which shouldn't really be a surprise if you stop and think about it. The book is a sort of autobiographical discourse on military history. It sort of argues against the fascination with it, cleverly taking us from his youth watching war films while his Dad points out…
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I got a review copy of Al Murray's book Watching War Films With My Dad in the post yesterday. It arrived just as I was thinking about what to read next. A quick look at the chapter headings convinced me that this needed to be next on my read list. The blurb sold me on reading it sometime. Al's interests seem to match mine, he grew up about the same time I did and we share war movies, action man and airfix kits as childhood experiences. So my apologies if there is a gap in my blog posts. It will be because I am reading Al Related articles Al Murray: watching war films with my Dad Watching War Films With My Dad, by Al Murray 'Watching War Films with my Dad'
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