Tag archives for Barnes & Noble

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Perfects, Imperfect & Crisis Point free for November 2013

You may have noticed that I stopped the serialisation of Imperfect. The underlying reason was that I had other things to post, and also I had decided to make the three novellas I've written so far completely free during November. So if you would like to try them out then you can get them from Smashwords in a variety of formats (kindle, nook, iBooks, PDF, Epub etc). You also ought to be able to download them for free from Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Waterstones. Here are some links: Perfects go to  Imperfect is at  Crisis Point is at  I would really appreciate some honest reviews on smashwords, goodreads, amazon or on blogs (or indeed anywhere you can post them).  Thank you.  Related articles Smashwords Smashes Self-Publishing Stigma Imperfect (Exodus #2) Serialised Does Apple's iBooks need to go Android? Smashwords named top indie…
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Imperfect (Exodus #2) Serialised

Following on from having posted Perfects in each of the five chapters I have decided to post Imperfect as well. However I intend to post it in smaller pieces and more frequently. Every other day for the next couple of weeks there will be one of the scenes from Imperfect posted here. Synopsis of Imperfect (Exodus #2) Following on from where Perfects left off, with Charlie arrested by the police and the fate of the others in his cell unknown. Pandora sets off to find where she was born in the hope of finding her mother, however Rosie catches her leaving the house and together they discover what has happened to the others and set off on a daring plan to rescue them. Pandora steps irrevocably onto the wrong side of the law, kidnapping national police officers and learning to…
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