Tag archives for Eammon Grffin
Eamonn Griffin – Historical Fiction [Author Interview]
This week sees an interview with Eamonn Griffin, a professional writer who has published two novels, as well as writing for other people. Eamonn Griffin's third novel, Juggernaut - a sequel to Jekyll & Hyde, is due out in November this year. Eamonn Griffin Interview 1. How long have you been writing for and what made you start writing? I've been writing seriously for about 14 years. I'd always had the ambition to write someday, but up until a decade ago, I'd convinced myself that I didn't have the time for it. The first thing I wrote with serious intent was a screenplay which I collaborated on with a work colleague. The central idea had some promise, and we had a great summer working on the project, and on sending it out and getting the first rejections back. One day,…