Tag archives for free story


Eligibility for the 2014 Hugos

My novelette Crisis Point is eligible for the Best Novelette category of the 2014 Hugos. Weighing in at about 13k words it is a near future science fiction techno thriller set in the middle of the 21st Century. So if you want to grab a free copy here are the links Crisis Point on Crisis Point on Amazon UK Crisis point widens the world view from that presented in Perfects (due Summer 2014, but you can read extracts from it elsewhere on the blog). It tells the story of a military conspiracy to overthrow the democratically elected US President. This is a future where space travel has got cheaper and major corporations have used the FAI treaty that establishes space as non-national from 100km above the Earth. This gives them a guaranteed tax free haven, and also allows them to establish…
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Imperfect – Scene 01 – Realisation

Imperfect Realisation I collected what I needed for my trip to see the place that I was born, and having psyched myself up for the trip I left the house. Almost as soon as I did I saw Rosie coming towards me at a very rapid walking pace and with a serious determined look on her face. She was only about ten feet away when I noticed her. "Hi, Rosie!" I cheerily greeted her. "Back inside. Quickly!" she replied, grabbing and spinning me round as she got to me without slowing down. As soon as we were inside Rosie apologised for handling me, "Look, I'm sorry about being rough on you, but it's important that we stick together for a bit. Have you seen Charlie or Cat recently?" "I haven't seen Charlie since yesterday morning, nor Cat since about tea-time yesterday.…
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Perfects – Chapter 5 Discovery

Chapter 4 - Beginning CHAPTER FIVE Discovery Our usual routine involved an hour or so of stooging around without wearing a terminal, not even a supposedly switched-off one. We usually started by leaving home on a back route and taking a bike ride or a bus to the local shopping area, we always worked during the busiest hours. Once we were in the shopping area we needed to find a crowd. Once we’d got into the crowd, dropping down to tie a shoe lace would normally put you out of sight of any followers or cameras. A quick change of hat, and perhaps turning a hoodie inside out would be enough to help that process on. Once we’d spent some time making sure no-one was following us, we’d make our way to the meeting point. I was usually first there,…
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