Tag archives for Monkey


#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly my tweets

This twitter trend piqued my interest this morning and helped me avoid dealing with my end of module assessment for B120. Anyway here is my contribution to the infinite monkeys. If you think you recognise them feel free to reply on twitter.   Related articles What I Did With My Post-Event Time Last Night Victor Ganata: I haven't seen any #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly posts that top this description of "The Wizard of Oz", though: "Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again Guardians of the Galaxy Chaos Monkeys Explain a Film Plot Badly: Best 'Worst' Movie Descriptions - #explainafilmplotbadly Goes Viral Infinite Monkey Copyright Theory
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A215 – TMA3 Poetry – Chaos Monkeys

This is one of two poems submitted as part of the poetry assignment for A215 Creative Writing. Chaos Monkeys No typewriters for these monkeys, pressing random buttons on keyboards and boxen. There goes the power, the server’s down. Chaos monkeys cannot read, instead they watch Netflix, that set them free in the darkness of the internet. Where did they lurk before? Did they hide in the telephone exchanges, or with gremlins somewhere mechanical and unloved? Down dusty corridors behind doors marked 'no entry to unauthorised personnel'. All they want is somewhere warm, with food. Perhaps they are refugees from a lab where they spent time solving puzzles for treats, until they finally opened the door. At night they wandered corridors, climbed ladders looking for more. Like Pavlov's dog, they explore for food. Pressed into service they explore the world wide…
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Chaos Monkeys

I spent a chunk of Friday in an alpha training session on clouds. Much of it wasn't new, but there were some insights into designing stuff for clouds as opposed to fixed infrastructure. The netflix chaos monkeys came up, and it made me think. It isn't the first time I've come across the chaos monkeys, but it put an image in my mind of a chimp in an old fashioned data centre pulling cables out of a patch room and the unplugging servers from the network. Add in a bit of the cliche cleaner who pulls the plug out of the critical system to power the vacuum cleaner and you're away with the mental image. In the cloud no-one has to hear you scream. If you spaghetti cable all the boxes together and make them all redundant by synchronising data…
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