Tag archives for movie


Horrible Histories the Movie – Rotten Romans [Review]

The pre-preview Q&A before Horrible Histories the Movie (photo: James Kemp) I went to see Horrible Histories the Movie with my children Lucy and Alexander on Sunday morning at the BFI riverside. They had a preview screening of Horrible Histories the Movie as a combo of their monthly kids shows and also as part of the London Comedy Film Festival (LoCo). Ahead of the screening we had a short Q&A with Caroline Norris (producer & writer), Sarah Hadland and Sebastian Croft (Atti). Horrible Histories the Movie The subtitle to Horrible Histories the Movie is Rotten Romans because the core story is the interaction between Orla (a young celt, played by Amelia Jones) and Atti (a young Roman, played by Sebastian Croft). This story is set in the backdrop of Boudica's revolt against the Romans, see the synopsis below for non-spoilered…
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Film Review – Big Hero 6

I was a little bemused when I went to see this at the weekend as I was sure that there hadn't been five preceeding This is Disney's latest animation and it is pitched at older kids. Frozen worked well with toddlers and preschool children but this one wants the 8-14 age group. For a start it is a bit darker than Frozen and it doesn't have singing. The death of the parents in Frozen is very tastefully done in the way that the ship just sort of disappears. After that there is little to remind you of their death once the movie skips forwards.  In Big Hero 6, Hiro's older brother runs into a burning building which then erupts in a fireball explosion. There are several other references to the death at points in the movie, including attempts by BayMax…
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