Tag archives for New Year Resolutions - Page 3
New Books of 2015 pt.2
Here is the second batch of books that I have so far acquired this year, another seven titles to add to the previous seven. So far that makes 14, and my paper book resolution target is still at 20 (but only just, I said I'd try and read five more than I acquired). Like the previous batch there are a couple of late 2014 acquisitions in this group, but some of these are genuine new books of 2015 for me. Here are some of the reasons that I have chosen these titles (where I did choose them, one was an unexpected present). Up Against It by Locke I saw this recommended on Charlie Stross's blog by the man himself. It was cited as being a very good view of the harshness of life in space, especially if you were trying to…
New Books of 2015 pt.1
In keeping with my resolution to read more paper books (and the self-imposed target of at least twenty or five more than I've acquired) I thought I would record the new books I've acquired this year. I intend to read all of these during 2015. The first batch are technically 2014 acquisitions, mostly Christmas presents, but I'm counting them in my 2015 total. Here they are: That makes seven books so far, and you should expect to read reviews of them all on the blog later in the year. Given my post last year about how readers choose books I thought I would also record why I chose each of these books. Working up from the bottom here are the reasons I wanted each of these books. The fantastically funny Dragons at Crumbling Castle by Terry Pratchett. This was on my wish list…
2015 Resolutions
Happy new year! I don't usually make resolutions at new year. Too often they get forgotten about. However, this year my son is keen on us making some as a family, and writing them down so that we can check our progress and put ourselves back on track if necessary. I'm going to make three resolutions. Eat a healthier diet Write more fiction Read more paper books 1. Healthier Diet What I would like to try and balance my diet better and avoid eating the sort of food that makes me feel sluggish, less fatty, salty and sugary stuff. More fruit and vegetables, perhaps a bit less bread and meat won't go amiss either. I'm not especially looking to lose weight but that would be a welcome side effect. Success criteria for this are that I feel that I have…