Tag archives for offside report - Page 3


Megagame: Iron Dice – Turn 3

The first week in September 1914. Turn 3 Umpire Map BEF Report to the War Office 7th September 1914 Situation We have moved up into a line between the coastal marshes at DIXMUDE to LILLE. Two corps of the German First Army are on our Right flank and we intend to attack them in the flank. We believe that they have extended lines of supply. There is a gap between our right flank and the French left. This presents a risk to our troops. A planned attack towards Tournai / Valenciennes is in progress with a deep recon by the Cav (to disorganize German Supply). Talks with the Belgiums have revealed that they are attacking out of Antwerp as well. The Royal Navy is requested to change the supply port to Boulogne. Team Control Gloss The BEF counters are finally on…
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Megagame: Iron Dice – Turn 2

From the second turn onwards each turn covers the period of a week. Turn 2 is 24-31 August 1914. Turn 2 Umpire Map BEF Report to the War Office - 31 August 1914 Situation The Belgian Army is falling back westwards towards TOURNAI, LILLE and GHENT. The Belgian right flank has been badly hammered by German First Army and the Belgians retired to LILLE. German First Army are at SOIGNES advancing West. We have moved up into a reserve position in the line between LILLE and VALENCIENNES. III Corps and the Artillery are concentrated at ARRAS. In conjunction with the Belgians the BEF will move to left along the riverline MENIN-GHENT with a fallback position at YPRES-DIXMUDE. The right will remain at LILLE, III Corps will move into the Centre. This will lock our left on the coast. I intend to…
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Megagame: Iron Dice – Turn 1

The first turn of this megagame covered the first three weeks of August 1914. During this turn the British decided on their plan (K) and mobilised the BEF to France. British Strategic Discussions There were three plans considered. Plan F was a landing at Ostend to directly support the Belgians; Plan K landing in France and joining battle in Belgium to the left of the French Armies; and Plan W which had the same landing as Plan K but supported the French on their border with Germany. Plan F was ruled out as too close to the likely focus of a German attack and if the Belgians overwhelmed there is a very high risk of being cut off and having to conduct an emergency evacuation. The consequence of this would be many casualties and the risk of the BEF as…
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CLWG December 2013 Meeting

Alexander and I went along to today's session of Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group in Anerley. Despite the engineering works we still got there in time to take part in both sessions, although we nearly missed Brian Cameron's Weird War Two. Weird War Two Captain Britain (Photo credit: Rooners Toy Photography) Captain America was the movie of this game, which has been played many times by CLWG (and others) and it is a regular favourite. All it lacks, according to Alexander, is a Green Lantern character, and perhaps a mention for Bucky on the Captain America card! We joining in with Jon Casey as the Americans and we more or less quietly stayed out of the way and developed our lightning spitting Tesla Cannons just in time to use them to shoot down the Italian Spaghetti Foo flying saucers. However the…
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CLWG July 2013 Game Reports

There were five of us at July's CLWG meeting, myself, Nick, Mukul, Dave & John. There were three game sessions presented: I went first with a two part committee game called "The High Ground" about the consequences of cheaper surface to orbit space travel; Nick presented an economics card game for educating people about markets and the effects of money and credit; Mukul's session on the 1914 campaign on the Eastern Front. (more…)
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