Tag archives for Paperback

Competition to Win Themself in Paperback

Front cover of Themself by James Kemp I'm running a competition to give away a free copy of Themself in paperback to one of the subscribers to my mailing list on 31 October. Competition If you would like a copy then please make sure that you are on the list. In parallel I'll also be giving away an ebook version to everyone on the mailing list too. You can increase your chances of winning by tweeting the link to this post, or sharing it on facebook. I'll announce the winner in my 31 October post. Don't forget to sign up to my mailing list using the both below! Sign up to Win! E-mail: About the Mailing List If you want to keep up to date when James Kemp's books are released, or special offers on the existing ones then subscribe…
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new cover reveal for Themself

Firstly I would like to thank everyone that took time to give me feedback on the design of the new cover for Themself. In particular I'd like to name check Tom Mouat who first suggested a minimalist approach (as did a couple of others). This prompted me to spend some time looking at book covers in the bookshop at London Victoria train station. What I saw there was that nearly every non-fiction book (and a lot of the fiction) had a fairly minimalist cover. Bookshop visit I was sort of surprised by the number of books that have a block colour cover, large text for title & author, and nothing else. Although most of those also had a small illustration on the cover, usually about half the width and a third of the height. Those illustrations were simplified, not photo…
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Help me pick a Title Font for my new book cover

I need your help to pick the title font for my new book cover. I'm in the process of re-designing the cover for the paperback version of Themself. My work in progress cover is a choice between either a photo (see below) or a minimalist plain cover. I'll survey on that in a little bit when I have more time to produce the full minimalist cover. Pick Themself's Title Font Right now I need some quantitative help with choosing options on the title font. I need something that speaks to people as 'creative writing' and works. So can you please do this one question surveymonkey to help me out, and share it around as well please? Thanks. Draft Cover for Themself in Paperback Here's what the new cover looks like so far. This isn't the final version, it needs some more…
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Giveaway on Goodreads – Themself in Paperback

My latest work, Themself, is now also available in paperback. I've organised a Goodreads Book Giveaway. All you need to do is go over to the goodreads website and tell them you would like a copy (see below for the link). At the end of February they'll randomly select five lucky winners who I will send a paperback copy of Themself to. Here's the book blurb on the paperback version: "On a whim in November 2012 James Kemp took part in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge to write 50,000 words during November. He didn't quite make it, but he did get hooked on writing. That was his spur to enrol on a Creative Writing course with the Open University starting in October 2013. Themself is his story of how he became a writer, told in part using contemporary blog posts…
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Paperback Writer

Having got some positive noises from people I have made a paperback version of my first novella Exodus: Mike's Thread available using Createspace which is Amazon's print on demand book printer. It is available direct from Createspace or from Amazon variants. The createspace link is  which is probably best if you are a US resident.  If you are not in the US it will be faster and cheaper to get it from your local Amazon site. In the UK this is   I have a very small number of review copies that I've bought myself to give away. If you would like one then please let me know and tell me why you want to review it and where you will publish that review. Note that if you have a kindle there will be another chance to get a free copy of…
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