Tag archives for Referendum


Brexit – what will the European Union do?

There's been discussion on the potential for a British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union. 98% of the noise is uncritical electioneering from the Brexit supporters. Even the pro-EU folk have their anglocentric specs on. Good strategy looks at different perspectives. I think we should look at how other European countries might see Brexit. European Perspectives on the EU Britain sees the EU quite differently from the original founding members. We were one of the first wave of joiners, nearly twenty years after it started. Our membership has always been about economic benefit to the UK. In contrast the French, Germans and Benelux countries view it as providing political stability to Europe. Their driver was avoiding another European war. The original treaty was signed in 1954, nine years after WW2 ended. Much of Germany was still in ruins, France was little better. So…
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Alternative Vote?

I thought I would find out more about the Alternative Vote proposal and get past some of the rhetoric that I've seen in the news. It has to be said that so far none of the interviews I've heard so far (on BBC Radio Four's Today programme) have been particularly compelling cases for voting No (or Yes, but I've heard more No than Yes). One interesting thing though is the way the two primary campaigns brand themselves on their website URLs. On the Yes side there is which sort of suggests a wider campaign about electoral reform and also an attempt to give an argument for their case in the URL. On the other side there is which suggests a specific campaign and perhaps it is just AV they object to. Anyway, starting with keeping the status quo here are…
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