Tag archives for Scottish - Page 4
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Book Review – Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin
Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin My rating: 4 of 5 stars A fairly easy read. Rebus is an interesting character and the story was well plotted with a less than obvious outcome. It has a realistic feeling to it and lives within the time that it was written, although much of that would still work now. I read it because it was cheap and I have always wondered if the Rebus novels were any good. I think that they are based on this one (the second of many) and I can see why they sell by the truckload. I suspect I'll be catching some more of these on my kindle. View all my reviews Related articles Ian Rankin creator of Inspector Rebus writes new book inspired by 'greatest guitarist' Ian Rankin: 'Mavericks like Rebus wouldn't join the modern police…
Scottish Independence – Stick to the Facts
In summary I believe that Independence may well be good for Scotland, but it will most definitely be bad for the rest of the UK as a whole. So what are the facts? Can we find any without spin? (more…)
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Black Watch by Tom Renouf – Book Review
This is a campaign history written by a veteran of 5th Bn Black Watch who later became the secretary of the Highland Division Association. Direct personal accounts, both from the author and other veterans, are used to tell the story of the 51st Highland Division in a very personal way. This book offers some new perspectives on the battles of the 51st, especially those in the final months of the war in which the author was personally involved. (more…)
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Stonemouth by Ian Banks – review
While there are familiar elements to the story, it being set in small town Scotland, it is a new tale from Ian Banks. The story is told in a first person point of view style, and on a first reading at least, realistically leaves some loose ends where the protagonist cannot be sure of who did what and why. Taking place over a long weekend the story unfolds with a mixture of narrative and flashbacks to explain the background relationships and the reasons why Stewart Gilmour ended up an exile from his home town. There is a believable cast of characters, they all seem real and with complex motivations, even the low-key gangster types. The underlying plot is one of relationships and how they interplay over time. It also covers some of the issues of the Scottish diaspora well, how…
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Image via Wikipedia Today has been an unusually inspiring day, I had two separate ideas for games both of which I reckon could be pulled off in the space of a couple of days basic research and writing briefings etc. Tracy & I both woke up early and we got a couple of hours to do things before Alexander surfaced at the rather late (for him) 9am. In that time I unusually got to watch some TV of my own choice. The first idea came from a programme on the freeview channel 'Yesterday' about the Glencoe Massacre (or more accurately the events leading up to it and the aftermath. This is the follow on to the two games I've done about the revolution in 1689-90 in Scotland. There was a meeting between Albany and the Highland Chiefs where two secret…