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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Megagame: Invasion from Mars 07

Dateline General Buck’s advanced HQ on West Continent, Cydonia It is looking increasingly likely that there will be a cease-fire to allow political negotiations, but this is not yet fully agreed. More negotiations with local commanders about the evacuation of the Infantry Brigade near ENSEMBLE. The MAFC General still cannot give assurances. I order my transports to move the air logistics base back to the West Continent and relocate all my air assets to there as well. The ground logistics bases also move West as do the sea flotillas. The Martians shoot down both our shuttles in orbital space, this shocks the other nations as they were conducting trade rather than directly engaged in military action. It also isn't clear whether the Martians fired without giving a warning first. On the ground the Martians move to conform closer to our…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Megagame: Invasion from Mars 06

Dateline General Buck’s advanced HQ on West Continent, Cydonia Political negotiations are proceeding at a fast pace, with the Earther Attache appearing to be playing the key role of middleman. From reading the news we appear to be coming out well, MAFC are attacked for causing needless civilian deaths and throwing their weight around. We continue to press for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement and INN report that these overtures are being rebuffed. My orders are to withdraw to my start line as at As well as doing this I re-position troops to cover all the cities in my area, including flying in another infantry brigade to secure FAREAST. Logs base A (in blackberry) starts its move towards FAREAST. Air cover is split between the Northern and Southern coast roads (our front is the narrowest it can be across…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Megagame: Invasion from Mars 05

Dateline General Buck’s advanced HQ on West Continent, Cydonia Having made sure that the INN reporters were fully briefed on what we had offered (and been rebuffed) we then offered to withdraw completely from the West continent and for that part of it held by us on to be declared a DMZ. We also made sure that it was clear that we started this war because of state sponsored terrorism committed by the NCC and DMC. That we had processed most of those arrested at the start of the war and released the majority as innocent, convicted a significant minority after due process and in open trials where the evidence could be reviewed and had a small number still under investigation who would be released or charged soon. I asked both the NCC and the MAFC to allow my forces…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Megagame: Invasion from Mars 04

Dateline General Buck’s advanced HQ on West Continent, Cydonia Following our previously agreed strategy the DRC Government wanted to appear ultra reasonable to external parties (and we'd spent some time working up our DRC Press Briefing and also making sure that we had briefed the INN reporters covering our war. On Cromwell's Land (the DMC continent) the Diggers & Miners Collective had agreed to our proposed cease fire and lines had stayed stable since Their willingness to compromise was helped by the assault landing by the IDA on their Northern coast (which was spontaneous and not co-ordinated with us). We offered the New Cydonia Colony government an immediate ceasefire and offered to withdraw all our forces to the line as at in return for peace talks. While waiting for their response I was to avoid active military operations. All my units…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Megagame: Invasion from Mars 03

Dateline General Buck’s advanced HQ on West Continent, Cydonia The Martians have landed! They made a major landing with most of a GF division just outside OLYMPUS. My shuttle landing reinforcements for OLYMPUS diverted to ENSEMBLE as the nearest friendly location. A major assault on OLYMPUS took place with indiscriminate bombardment by the Martians, resulting in 4,000 civilian casualties, as well as wiping out my sea marine force (no reported survivors). A third sea marine force successfully assaulted KUTCHI and displaced the enemy logistics base there. They took some casualties on the way in and two transport flyers were damaged also (but repairable). On the North coast the enemy armoured division trapped south of DEANVILLE has been all but destroyed. The infantry component has dispersed into the woods and is no longer a fighting force. The tank brigade has been…
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