Tag archives for World War I - Page 2
What you missed at the January meeting of CLWG
The Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group (CLWG) January meeting (Sunday 9th January) was in Jim's office near Holborn. This one had 14 members in attendance. When I turned up there was a promotion board going on for one of the characters in our long-running Starship Marine campaign (details of the campaign and a history of the 130th Regiment). To make this more interesting for the players who were on the board ( the interviewers) there were a couple of candidates for promotion, including one marine Captain who brought a bomb in with him to prove how easy they were to defuse. A nice piece of live role-play from Jerry (who improvised the bombs immediately beforehand.) I was called upon to defuse the device which consisted of an ice-cream box with an anti-tilt device on it and a fuse inside which had…