Tag archives for Writing Exercises


Writing Exercise – Bored Athlete meets Lovesick Witch

So the second part of the online tutorial for the creative writing course (A215 from the Open University) was to take the character that I made up in the first part (the lovesick witch) and then write a dialogue scene where she met one of the other characters. I had a choice of two others, either of which would have made a good scene. I chose the bored athlete because one of the other students had already posted a meeting between the lovesick witch and the introvert adolescent. The target word count was 200 and most of it needed to be the dialogue, no more than a third to be scene setting. I sort of broke that last rule a bit, but think it still works. So here it is. Bored Athlete meets Lovesick Witch Walking home through the park…
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Book Review – Fun as Hell by L.J. Kummer

Fun as Hell by Kummer My rating: 3 of 5 stars This was a featured kindle single a few weeks ago which is why I bought it. It is a rather strange piece of life writing about the development of the writer. I read it on the plane in rather less than an hour. It jumped around a narrative of an action day out (cars and guns) with his surgeon girlfriend while also retrospecting on his life and career as a writer. View all my reviews
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